Sunday, May 16, 2010

Planting Season transplanting

Yesterday and today I transplanted most of my pepper and tomato plants, it has been pretty warm here and the weather is supposed to stay that way.  I am going to keep a close eye on them to be safe.  My tomatoes were not doing all that amazing this year, but my pepper seemed to have all made it and are great.  I think the tomatoes will pull out of it once they get a little established in the bed.  I am thinking they didn't have enough room in the peat pots I used.  I don't think I will be using them again. 

The tomatoes that were transplanted were:
Purple Russian
White Currants
Wapsipinicon Peach
Mystery Seeds

I am excited about the Purple Russian, I let weeds get away from me last year so I didn't get very many of these, I think they are going to be great.  I did get many of the Wapsipinicon Peach last year and they  were one of my favorites, great taste and just a fun variety.  Last year I received some seeds from Winter Sown since I like to experiment I asked for a mixed cherry and a mixed tomato seed packets.  It was very fun trying to identify and getting to try some new things, so those are the mystery seeds.  I hope to see how the Kootenai taste, I am sure they are going to be better than store bought no matter what, I am mainly growing them because they are so early and originated in Idaho.  I use almost exclusively heirloom seed, but I am wanting to try the new Idaho variety tomatoes that the University of Idaho has been developing.  They are open pollinated and should be great producers in Idaho.

For peppers I have
Alma Paprika
Yellow Monster
and some more I can't think of off the top of my head

I think I am going to have plenty of Jalapenos this year, they did by far the best seedlings.  I am excited to try some paprika peppers to see if I can make my own paprika.  Yellow Monsters are hopefully going to live up to my hopes for them as well, I really enjoy sweet peppers and these are massive.  See in this picture from Baker Creek!

Happy planting :)

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