Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trim Healthy Mama~ Fuel Cycle Day 2

Day 2.

Breakfast~ One egg and some egg white with a bit of half and half scrambled with diced red bell pepper and two Laughing Cow wedges & one cup Earth Milk protein shake
Lunch~  Two boneless, skinless chicken thighs baked & mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow squash) with roasted garlic mixed with grassfed butter on both the chicken and the veggies.
Dinner~ 3 cups of Earth Milk, I wasn't really hungry but thought I better get something because I knew I would be out of the house for a couple hours.  It kept me full :)
Snack~ 3 cups of Earth Milk, after I got home & a big bowl of sprouts with the rest of the Italian dressing, a couple of small pieces of Skinny Chocolate

I felt pretty full today, I am thinking the Earth Milk is keeping me that way.  That is great with me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Found your blog on the forum. Congrats on 20 pounds! I wasn't ready to do Fuel Cycle this time around but its encouraging to read so many ladies doing it. Seems scary to me, but I am only on week 3. Lol Hope you enjoy your next Deep S day.